Nokia, the leader in wireless communication is in the news again, but this time, not for good reasons. Last week it was revealed that over 46 million batteries used in the Nokia phones could overheat and the business would replace them for no cost to consumers. Not all the Nokia batteries are found faulty, only those Bl-5C batteries (manufactured by Matsushita) had been found to overheat while being charged, and thereafter stopped working. Nokia says there is no need to panic. The wireless major is advertising in the Indian newspapers (the question is said to be found in India) saying 'Your Nokia Is Safe To Use'.
Do you use a Nokia mobile phone? If yes, open the flap at the back and scrutinize the battery inside. If it's the Bl-5C battery artificial by Matsushita you should replace it immediately. It's important because these batteries are not getting overheated but also found to be swollen in many cases. Remember! Nokia will turn only those Bl-5C batteries which had been artificial by Matsushita Battery commercial Co. In the middle of December 2005 and November 2006 brand.
In India itself, the business received 165,000 Sms messages of distress following the advisory, said Devinder Kishore, the marketing chief of Nokia's Indian arm. 'Out of these calls and messages, about 4.5 percent of batteries were found in the batch for which the stock advisory has been issued,' he told reporters. However, he maintained that there had been no overheating complaints in India.

The "Bl-5C" is Nokia's most widely used battery powering the low-end 1100 series to multimedia handsets like N70 and N91. After receiving complaints from many Nokia mobile phone users, Nokia said it had issued a stock advisory ( to consumers based on initial findings of an ongoing investigation. "By reacting speedily and responsibly, and by being fully transparent, we believe that consumers will continue to view Nokia as a responsible and trustworthy brand," Robert Andersson, head of buyer and shop operations at Nokia told Reuters.
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